Our Story
The COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions in place were hard on so many people and businesses. Especially crafters who depend on public events to showcase their products and hopefully make some sales. Carol Clour had learned about pop-up vending markets from another town and began to organize them right here in Pennsville. The pop-up vending markets were not only profitable. But good for everyone’s psyche because they made life feel somewhat normal again. Freeze-dried candy is something not many people had heard of, including Carol. But she kept seeing it on TikTok and asked her daughter if she knew anything about it. Her daughter told her she had to try it so she ordered some and was instantly hooked! She noticed it hadn’t taken off yet in this area and ordered her first machine last July. And then the freeze-drying machine arrived at the end of September and she started making candy with it. And since the opening of CC’s Candy Factory. The candy has become an immediate hit! She loves seeing the joy on people's faces when they try it for the first time. And how surprised they are at the texture and how intense some of the flavors are. She credits her customers for making what is happening now a reality. And appreciates every one of them for their support. The only negative she has experienced is when she has to tell customers she is sold out of something. Carol grew up in LAC but has been a Pennsville resident for the past five years. She says the support she has received during her time here is unmatched. Pennsville really shows up! Family is very important to Carol. Her mother, also named Carol, works the counter at the store. And her daughter, Jordan Van Horn, and son, Jamar McGriff both have businesses of their own and are always bouncing ideas off of each other. Carol and Jamar also own a business called Dog Duty based here in Pennsville. It’s a dog waste removal service that’s been in business for about two years. And last but not least, her grandchildren, Kai, Elsie and Koa. They love the fact that their mom owns a candy store. Another important quality about Carol is that she hasn’t forgotten her roots. Along with her products at CC’s Candy Factory. She sells products from other small businesses in her store. All the crafts are from Pennsville crafters. The popcorn and pretzels are from Lancaster. The beaded pens are from Hearts4Hounds. Hearts4Hounds is a nonprofit that donates to three local shelters. All the money from the pens will go directly to the Pennsville Animal Shelter. It is a pleasure to have people like Carol as a part of our small business community. Someone willing to help others succeed while fulfilling her own dreams.